Recovered 45 stolen sheep during theft incident

“FarmRanger collars are very easy to use and I know from personal experience that it works really well,” says Mthokozisi Mjoli who has farmed with Dohne merinos in the Matatiele district of the Eastern Cape since 2005.

Farming close to the Lesotho border, he confirms that all farmers in the area endure high levels of stock theft on a daily basis which is why he decided to purchase a FarmRanger collar in July last year.

Mjoli describes how FarmRanger came to his rescue on Thursday, 23 April 2020.

“The alarm on my cell phone went off at about 22:00. At first I ignored it, but when the alarm sounded the second time, I knew something was wrong. When I opened the app I detected that some of my sheep were no longer on the farm.”

Using the Google Earth map on his cell phone, Mjoli followed the route that the sheep travelled – from the red pin on his farm to a kraal 10 km away. “I was lucky that the animal fitted with the FarmRanger collar was one of the 45 stolen sheep and could track them so easily,” he explains.

Mjoli adds that the person who had stolen his sheep was surprised that he could pinpoint their location and find them so easily. “However, he could not deny that the sheep belonged to me because they were tattooed and still fitted with my ear tags. He did not prevent me from loading my sheep as he was afraid I would report him to the SA Police Service.”

Having gone through the ordeal of nearly losing a sizable portion of his flock, Mjoli is adamant that having a FarmRanger collar is absolutely necessary in order to farm successfully with sheep.

“FarmRanger has saved me a lot of money because this single incident would have been a big financial loss to me. I have experienced the benefit of having a FarmRanger collar and can recommend it to any stock farmer. I will also be purchasing a second collar shortly,” he says.

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