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Six tips to keep livestock safe from theft

1. Implement a good security system: Protect your property with a security system that includes cameras, infrared systems, alarms or motion sensors to help you monitor your property closely and alert you to any suspicious activity. This can help deter potential thieves, as well as provide evidence in case of theft.  2.  Use identification methods: […]

Manage, track and protect livestock from theft

“Consider the financial losses you could potentially suffer with a single incident of stock theft – not to mention the breeding value of lost calves. I would rather pay the equivalent cost of one calf to cover FarmRanger’s expenses than possibly lose an entire herd,”  – Mientjie Rajchrt Learn more about how Mientjie Rajchrt ensures […]

Livestock security collars – Insurance against stock theft

Van Niekerk explains that FarmRanger collars are not just a solution for stock theft but also help to prevent other problems. “Hunters cut the wires between camps to hunt wildlife illegally. I noticed on my mobile phone that a herd of cattle had gone to the adjoining camp. I could prevent the different herds from […]

The first step to preventing stock theft and predators

One of their camps was the subject of a theft attempt. The GPS collar alarm went off, and when they inspected the state of the camp, some rope and plastic cable ties were found under a tree in the camp.  “When we went out the following day to count the sheep, they were all there […]

Reduced the annual total loss of stolen cattle

“Stock theft incidents have increased exponentially with the influx of people to the mines. We lost 86 cattle over a two year period,” she says. The Hiemstra’s then approached FarmRanger for a solution. “Our herds are relatively small as we farm only with stud animals. We currently have eight active FarmRanger collars and use one […]

Puik diens steun onmisbare produk

Sy boer met  tussen 150 en 200 koeie en kalwers (afhangend van die tyd van die jaar) in die Lothair-distrik van Mpumalanga, terwyl haar broer Karel, in die Bronkhorstspruit-omgewing ook met beeste boer. As voorbeeld van FarmRanger se goeie diens vertel Rajchrt dat Philip Lötter haar geskakel en laat weet het dat ‘n nuwe nekband […]