FarmRanger a non-negotiable requirement – Mattie Azar

Before FarmRanger livestock security collars “About seven years ago, a neighbor warned me that someone was loading my cattle onto a truck. By the time I arrived at Winburg from Bloemfontein, the cattle thieves had left with 110 cattle.” “Fortunately, my neighbor was able to give a good description of the truck and it was […]

Empowering Women in Agriculture: FarmRanger Collar Safeguards Zimbini Nokwe’s Livelihood

The Incident: A Nighttime Intrusion Late one evening in June, stock thieves breached the farm’s defences. Around 11:45 PM, they infiltrated the fence and accessed the kraal. Zimbini’s proactive measures were evident, and remarkably, she was able to safeguard her entire flock using just one FarmRanger collar due to its advanced herd behaviour monitoring capabilities. […]

Prevented death during predator attack

“We are located against the town area and often experience problems with stock theft, but especially with stray dogs. If a sheep’s behaviour is abnormal, as in the case of an attack by such dogs, FarmRanger sends an alarm in real time to my cell phone. I can then see exactly in which herd the […]

Recovered 45 stolen sheep during theft incident

Farming close to the Lesotho border, he confirms that all farmers in the area endure high levels of stock theft on a daily basis which is why he decided to purchase a FarmRanger collar in July last year. Mjoli describes how FarmRanger came to his rescue on Thursday, 23 April 2020. “The alarm on my […]

FarmRanger verminder risiko van stoetery

Veediefstal het ‘n beduidende impak op Du Toit se stoetery wat geskoei is op genetiese vordering. “As ‘n ooi of ram gesteel word is die verlies in genetika en die teelwaarde van daardie dier ontsaglik vir my.” Hy verduidelik dat hulle noukeurige rekords hou van al hul diere vir die afgelope 50 jaar. Dit sluit […]

Gesteelde stoetramme teruggekry met FarmRanger

“Ek kon op die Google-kaart sien dat die skaap met die nekband langs die grondpad loop en toe met ‘n sigsaglyn deur die grensdraad en na ‘n ander kamp beweeg. Ek het ons Plaaswag in kennis gestel en die GPS-koördinate aan hulle verskaf. Die veediewe is maklik opgespoor, met nagsigtoerusting dopgehou en gearresteer nadat die […]

The best investment you’ll ever make

I run an integrated livestock and crop operation on his farm, Libanon, near Viljoenskroon. For 10 years, FarmRanger has warned me every time there has been a problem with my sheep. Using it allows me to be alert and proactive. With just one collar needed for every 450 sheep, FarmRanger enables me to check on […]